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Casella Thermohygrograph – Daily or weekly – quartz clock

Thermohygrographs continuously record both the temperature and the relative humidity of the atmosphere against time by drawing coloured traces onto a chart. Thermohygrograph standard model is the more practical instrument and is slightly more accurate on temperature. The standard model is provided with a daily/weekly/monthly quartz clock, which can be set by the user.

Product Details

Humidity section : Range : 0 to 100% Accuracy : +/- 3% between 20% & 80% Sensing element : Specially treated human Hair

Recording section : (Either) Battery operated quartz clock with simple mechanism for changing rotation from daily to weekly or, Clockwork clock – Daily or weekly rotation Recording is effected by easily changed fibre tipped pen.

Temperature section : Range (either) : 0 to 50 degrees C or -5 to 55 degrees C Accuracy : +/- 0.5 degrees C Sensing element : Bi-metalic coil (corrosion protected)

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